The number of market entities in Shaoxing has exceeded 800,000

According to data released by the Shaoxing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau recently, as of August 29, the number of registered market entities in Shaoxing reached 800,300, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough.

Data show that among the market entities in the city, individual industrial and commercial households account for about two-thirds of the total, nearly 540,000 households. “More than 140,000 households have been added in the past five years.” A relevant person in charge of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau introduced that in May 2019, the total number of individual industrial and commercial households in Shaoxing exceeded the 400,000 mark for the first time, and has been in a state of continuous growth since then.

The increasing number of market entities shows the strong market vitality of Shaoxing, and the continuous growth of the “individual to enterprise” team shows the vigorous development of Shaoxing’s economy. Data show that since the “individual to enterprise” work was launched in 2013, a total of more than 40,000 individual industrial and commercial households in the city have been transformed and upgraded to enterprises. As of the end of August this year alone, 870 individual industrial and commercial households in the city have been transformed and upgraded to enterprises, accounting for 4.8% of the number of newly established enterprises this year.

The value-added reform of government services has continued to stimulate the development vitality of various market entities. Since the beginning of this year, Shaoxing City has deepened the acceptance mechanism of incomplete applications, continued to implement “full online application” and “cross-provincial application”, streamlined approval materials, reduced access costs, and promoted the acceleration of approval; implemented enterprise intelligent approval services, “intelligent reporting” and “intelligent review”, and the “one-day completion” rate of enterprise establishment reached 99%.

At present, Shaoxing City has established a four-level “classified responsibility and coordinated approval” working mechanism at the city, county, office, and community levels, created a “15-minute convenient license application circle”, and implemented a weekend rotation license application work system to improve the convenience of license application by “nearby, full-day, and immediate application”. Statistics show that this year, Shaoxing City has exempted market entities from “one license and four chapters” and other fees of 5.6 million yuan.

In addition, for the large number of individual industrial and commercial households, Shaoxing City has actively carried out the “Spring Seedling Action” this year, and has increased support for the individual economy through eight major financial action measures such as deepening the first loan action for individual industrial and commercial households and supporting entrepreneurial guarantee loans. Since the beginning of this year, 5.587 billion yuan of operating loans have been issued to individual industrial and commercial households through the “loan code” alone.

At the same time, the market supervision department uses the “Yuegetang” skill enrichment brand as a carrier to optimize the skill training system for individual workers and carry out skill training services for individual workers. At present, there are 7 skill training institutions for individual workers in the city, which have trained 13,700 individual workers in total.